
This is just a few thoughts and notes on little projects that I do, mainly for my own benefit so that I can remember what I've done, but others may find it useful.

Hero Renewables Review

I'm a big proponent of renewable technologies, and in 2018 I decided to replace my aging gas boiler with an Air Source heat Pump.

Sadly one of the companies I approached to do this was corrupt. Although they claim to be a legitimate company with many happy customers, Hero Renewables attempted to deprive me of money they owed me by failing to pay me a refund, then making a false statement to their bank when I did a chargeback.

Their public response to my negative review washes over the vast majority of the issues I had with them, so this section contains a full account of what happened. If you're considering spending thousands of pounds with them, it will be well worth your time reading this first.